Lockpicking Resources

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Lockpicking Resources

Lock picking is the art of opening a lock without the key and without damaging or destroying the lock or its door.



Contests, conferences, and events

  • Chaos Communications Congress (CCC) - CCC hosts the German Lockpicking Championships.
  • DEF CON - Annual infosec industry conference which is popular with many lockpickers featuring a locksport contest.
  • Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) - Annual conference often featuring a locksport competition and presentations on physical security.
  • OzSecCon - Open community event focusing on physical security in Australia, which hosts a lockpicking and handcuff evasion competition.
  • LockCon - Annual, invitation-only international conference about locks for members of respected locksport organizations.

Hobby projects

How-to lockpicking guides

Locksport associations and organizations

Novel lock attack techniques and research

  • SpiKey - Acoustic-based physical key inference.

Online communities

  • Keypicking.com - Bustling online forum for the discussion of lockpicking and locksport.
  • Lockpicking101.com - One of the longest-running online communities "dedicated to the fun and ethical hobby of lock picking."
  • LockWiki - Community-driven reference for both beginners and professionals in the security industry.
  • /r/lockpicking Subreddit - Subreddit dedicated to the sport of lockpicking.
  • Abstract Security - Discord server dedicated to Physical Security (which covers Lock Picking)

Online resources



Every contribution is welcome! If you need more info on something check our website (https://abstract-security.lugons.org/), our Discord (https://discord.gg/zn3wsrr) or contact me (92n4m0n@protonmail.com).